I don’t think I ever felt a sense of being under appreciated then I did this past weekend. I don’t seek praise, compliments, or attention. But it comes to a point when you as a person have to know your self-worth even when others don’t recognize it. What is truly disappointing is the relationships I tend to foster with people, only to find out they don’t give a damn if you are a presence in their life. I hate trying to figure out where people stand. You know the cliché, “Reason, Season, or a Lifetime.” We tend to think we know who is who and whom we are dealing with, but that is truly never the case. Nobody, and I repeat, Nobody is ever how they seem. So why would we expect to know their real stance in our lives...
Welcome to The Days of Dae
“The Days of Dae” is intended to express some of the things I’ve noticed and experienced while living my life. Warning my post will vary when it comes to time frames. In life we have to reflect in order to understand where we are and where we are going. Some of my posts will be from the past, stemming. Others will highlight some of my current experiences. Either way they’ll serve equal importance in understanding me, my life, my everything.