Welcome to The Days of Dae

“The Days of Dae” is intended to express some of the things I’ve noticed and experienced while living my life. Warning my post will vary when it comes to time frames. In life we have to reflect in order to understand where we are and where we are going. Some of my posts will be from the past, stemming. Others will highlight some of my current experiences. Either way they’ll serve equal importance in understanding me, my life, my everything.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Directions

So these past few days have been pivotal ones for me.
A lot of self actualization has went on and I realized that I haven't been putting my best interest forward.
So this just means that I am taking those steps to think about ME first. 
I'd like to suggest to anyONE (I don't know how many people read this blog)
do the same. Starting today, starting now. In life you can't please others, until you've pleased yourself.
Don't wait for stuff to happen! Sometimes, it's those moments of action when we realize our fullest potential.
So taking it back to you, ask YOURSELF this one question Janet Jackson asked:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Like A Puppy To His Bone

Like a puppy to his bone
You know how that goes
You toss it, and start the chase
It's the rush and thrill feeling you can't erase
What is it that keeps the puppy running after the bone
What is it that causes a dog to roam
You see the puppy eyes light up, fill with joy
When he sees his bone
You throw it, he chases
He runs and runs and just keeps his focus on the bone
He doesn't realize the dangers around him
Doesn't realize the true enemies surround him
All because he's chasing the bone
Chasing after the dream
Chasing after what used to be
Chasing after the memories
And then he finally catches the bone
And wonders should he leave it alone or bring it back home...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Who The Hell Are YOU?

This seems to sum up my LIFE right about now.
Remember to stay true to yourself, 
because that's one person you can't hide from.
Sometimes we don't want to face things and we fill our lives with things and people,
who at the end of the day... Do NOT Matter!
If your eyes are unable to see YOU when you look in the mirror
You'll need to fix it, so that it truly reflects the "you" 
you are destined to be!